Maybe that old gate at your home or commercial property never worked right or never really worked at all. Maybe it is just no longer up to safety standards leaving you with the liability of missing safety devices or constructed in a way that would allow a potential serious injury. Or…maybe it just doesn’t fit that new remodel project and looks like the 60’s called and wants it’s gate back!
We get a lot of requests to make gates more desirable as the first things people see when they enter your property. In a changing world where more security is desired and where gate safety standards have increased dramatically, it is important to have a good idea if this gate meets current standards. Our sales engineering team will look at your current gate and make design, mechanical and safety recommendations which will help you meet your objectives or a safe, beautiful, fully functioning gate.
Some things our team will look at are the following:
Gate construction - is it constructed and installed safe and functional
Gate safety - is it up to UL 325-2018 Standards.
Are the mechanics operational, safe and efficient.
Is the access control sufficient for your lifestyle needs in relation to deliveries and visitors
Do you need web based access or visualization of your gate environment?
Is the gate situated on land that is moving or stable preventing ongoing challenges in operator.
Do you need a pedestrian gate to meet UL safety standards.
Does your gate take more room than necessary on your property - can space be recaptured through updated design.